Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to take nursing exams

Hello nursing students!

First off, get plenty of rest before an exam
Remember that every test question usually has 2 possible right answers,
Or possibly 2 right answers,
You have to choose the most right one.
If you're stuck on a question, skip it, circle it & go to the next question.
When you read a question underline (with your pencil) the important (key) terms, to better understand it. As you're going through the questions, if you're a little unsure of your answer, draw an arrow next to it, and when you are done with the test, go back to it, and think about it a little more.
Remember, your first instinct is usually the most correct one,,,so go with your gut!

P.S. Remember about the “Law of Attraction” (if you really want it, it will be yours)
John McKormack (administrator)

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